京都観光に行かれる前にトーカイで両替してください!(Please exchange money at Tokai before going sightseeing in Kyoto!)【四条河原町店】
(Hello, this is Nagata from Ticket & Brand Recycle Tokai Shijo-Kawaramachi store.)
明日は後祭山鉾巡行です!(Tomorrow is the Yamaboko Junko (float procession) of the Later Festival!)
祇園祭も終盤に差し掛かっています!(The Gion Festival is coming to an end!)
是非、京都に来てくださいね!(Please come to Kyoto!)
(Every day, we receive many foreign currency exchanges from overseas tourists!)
(We will be happy to exchange large amounts of money, so please bring it in!)
(We also offer bus and subway tickets for sightseeing in Kyoto.)
(We look forward to seeing you at our store.)
(Today’s foreign currencies brought in are)
オーストラリアドル(Australian dollar)
オーストラリアドルをお持込みいただけました。(Australian dollar were brought in.)
上限は無く資金がある限り外貨両替をさせていただきます!(We will exchange foreign currency as long as there are funds available, with no upper limit!)
外貨レートはお問い合わせしてください!(Please inquire for foreign currency rates!)
もちろん 円から外貨への両替もしております。
(Of course, we also exchange yen into foreign currencies.)
(Please leave foreign currency exchange to Ticket & Brand Recycle Tokai Shijo-Kawaramachi store!)